I am not the worlds
photographer. . .
…but I like taking
I also enjoy the equipment
and the mechanical aspects
of photography.
I use Fujifilm camera
I once spent a day at Brooklands carrying a DSLR
and half a dozen heavy lenses; by the end of the
afternoon I could barely raise my arms. *
Anyway, I downsized and now use:
Fuji X T3 and Fuji X T10 camera bodies.
I find wide angle lenses the most useful for my
photography; I use
14mm (21mm equ)
10 - 24mm (15 - 36 equ) great for museums.
27mm (41 equ) - compact pancake lense.
18 - 55 (27 - 84 equ) useful all-purpose.
50 - 230 (76 - 350) small, light, telephoto.
I must mention my little Sony Cybershot. It fits very
nicely in my pocket!
* (I do recall that later that day I got a ride back to Weybridge station on a
Routemaster - and I got to pull the bell - Bliss!)
© Lorem ipsum dolor sit Nulla in mollit pariatur in, est ut dolor
eu eiusmod lorem 2013
Above This is me examining the stripped and
polished underbelly of a Jaguar aircraft.
I’ve always been fascinated by military machinery;
growing up in the 1950’s in Britain the images were
everywhere. A degree of maturity brought the
realisation that all this innovation, power and, yes,
glamour was ghastly and futile.
Subsequently I tried to show something of this in
my photography.
In 2010, artist Fiona Banner exhibited two aircraft
at Tate Britain.
Two decomissioned fighting aircraft were
presented, in an incongruous setting, in postures
suggesting, I think, supplication, redundancy and
The exhibition made a big impression on me - it
was a succinct realisation of my ideas.
Left The suspended Sea Harrier at the exhibition.